What you will learn

With this field guide application, you will learn:

  1. To manage test data in a sandbox - you will copy Envisat MERIS Level 1 Reduced Resolution data to the sandbox
  2. To create a BEAM Toolbox Java processor - you will implement the fluorescence line height processor using the BEAM Java API
  3. To create an application invoking the fluorescence line height processor
  4. To test the application - you will execute the node and workflow and inspect the results
  5. To exploit the application - you will create the Web Processing Service (WPS) interface and invoke it

Where is the code

The code for this tutorial is available on GitHub repository BEAM Java Tutorial.

To deploy the tutorial on a Developer Sandbox:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Terradue/dcs-beam-flh-java
cd dcs-beam-flh-java
mvn install

This will build the application (including the Java classes of the FLH processor) on the /application volume.

The code can be modified by forking the repository here: https://github.com/Terradue/dcs-beam-flh-java

Questions, bugs, and suggestions

Please file any questions, bugs or suggestions as issues or send in a pull request.