What you will learn

With this field guide application, you will learn:

  1. To manage test data in a sandbox - you will copy the USGS Landsat sample products, convert them into the ERDAS image format, copy them to S3 and register them in the sandbox catalogue
  2. To create a simple application - you will implement a Python module and test it against the registered Landsat data
  3. To test the application - you will execute the processing step and inspect the results and will execute the workflow
  4. To exploit the application - you will use the Web Processing Service (WPS) interface to invoke the application

Where is the code

The code for this tutorial is available on GitHub repository Developer Cloud Sandbox Python tutorial - Landsat NDVI.

To deploy the tutorial on a Developer Sandbox:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Terradue/dcs-python-ndvi.git
cd dcs-python-ndvi
mvn install

This will:

  • build the python NDVI module
  • copy the application resources on the /application volume.

The code can be modified (e.g. to support Landsat 8) by forking the repository here: https://github.com/Terradue/dcs-python-ndvi/fork

Questions, bugs, and suggestions

Please file any questions, bugs or suggestions as issues or send in a pull request.