Node ndviΒΆ

This is the first node of the workflow. As such, the platform takes cares of providing the inputs to the streaming executable: the list of Landsat catalogue entries you created earlier.


ciop-copy can handle catalogue entries and download the datasets using the online resources in the metadata

A node requires a job template including:

  • The path to the streaming executable:
  • Default parameters
  • Default configuration
    <jobTemplate id="py-ndvi">
        <property id="mapred.task.timeout">9900000000000</property>


The code for the whole application is available here:

While this job template doesn’t define any parameter, it defines the mapred.task.timeout property which is the wall-time in miliseconds between two logging entries.


Log entries using ciop-log function in bash (or rciop.log in R and cioopy.log in Python) tell the platform the process is alive. If the wall-time is reached the execution is terminated with an error