.. _productionapi : Production API ============== The Production API covers many use cases for the usage of the processing service of the platform. They are described in the following diagram. .. uml:: :caption: Production API use cases !include includes/skins.iuml skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF skinparam componentStyle uml2 actor User rectangle user { (Discover Providers) as UCDP User -> UCDP (Describe Processing Services) as UCDS User -> UCDS (Execute Process) as UCEP User -> UCEP } actor Provider rectangle provider { (Register as a Provider) as UCRP UCRP <- Provider (Expose Processing Services) as UCES UCES <- Provider (Deliver Results) as UCDR UCDR <- Provider } UCDP .. UCRP UCDS .. UCES UCEP .. UCDR As shown in previous diagram there are mainly 2 actors: - **Service User** that discovers the service Available via the portal API, - **Service Provider** that promote services and deliver processing results via the portal API. So far, the interface to provide a processing service is via Web Processing Service (WPS) [#OGCWPS]_ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 concepts/index serviceprovider providingwps processexecution resultdelivery usingwps .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#OGCWPS] http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wps