REST api

All the commands described in the following sections are provided using the comprehensive HTTP REST API of the accounting system.


Accounting system’s REST API endpoints can be invoked in any of the standard ways to invoke a RESTful API. Most of the following sections describe how to use the REST API using cURL as an example.


Using and Configuring cURL You can download cURL here. Learn how to use and configure cURL here.


One of most important parameter to set in those REST commands is your credentials to authenticate to the accouting system.

REST API supports the HTTP Basic authentication using your username and password.


Routes are semantically important, especially in the case of searching in the catalogue.
                |                             |                 |
          service base url               resource           operation

The operation part can also be absent and the HTTP verb defines it. (e.g. POST for creation, PUT for update)

the following paragraphs summarize the different types of route of the platform

Accounting - accounting service<partnerName>/quantity/<operation>