Personal index -------------- In this part, we will discover how to publish our own entries in the catalog. Personal index management ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Every user of the platform has its own index called with the username (e.g user Mario Rossi [username: mrossi] has an index called mrossi). This index should be created automatically when the user is registered on the T2 Cloud Platform. You can check the existence of your own index by querying the description deocument of it. .. code-block:: console curl -u mrossi:ABcdEF "" .. note:: replace **mrossi** with your own username If, for some reason, your index does not exist yet, you can simply create it by yourself with the following command. .. code-block:: console curl -X PUT -u mrossi:ABcdEF "" A successful command should return .. code-block:: json { "name": "mrossi_v1", "shards": { "total": 10, "successful": 10, "failed": 0 }, "types": [ { "name": "series", "version": 2, "description": "Type representing a series" }, { "name": "gtfeature", "version": 2, "description": "Type representing a feature geo and timed" }, { "name": "eopfeature", "version": 2, "description": "Type representing an Earth Observation feature" }, { "name": "eopseries", "version": 2, "description": "Type representing a EarthObservation series" }, { "name": "eoporbit", "version": 1, "description": "Type representing an orbit information" }, { "name": "eoppoint", "version": 2, "description": "Type representing an orbit information" } ] } Index Metadata update """"""""""""""""""""" .. note:: coming soon Now your index ready, you can start publishing entries in the catalog. The following section describes how to create, update or delete entries in your index. .. _datacreateentries : Create entries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As described in the :ref:`Metadata model section `, one or more entries are represented in a feed and this is this feed you will post to the catalog to be indexed. The supported formats of this feed are listed in the :ref:`mediatype` section but here we will always use `Atom `_. Let's insert our first entry. We then write a file on your local file system (e.g. myfirstfeed.atom) with our first feed: .. code-block:: xml My first feed test entry1 S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20160625T170310_A005267_T32TQM_N02.04 Imager - Sentinel2 - 2016-06-25T10:06:17 <table> <tr><td><strong>Mission</strong></td><td>Sentinel-2</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>Orbit</strong></td><td>005267 DESCENDING</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>Track</strong></td><td>122</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>Cloud Cover</strong></td><td>0.1674</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>Date</strong></td><td>2016-06-25T10:06:17.4130000Z</td></tr> </table> 2016-06-25T10:06:17.4130000Z POLYGON((11.430710453849 42.4269119937756,12.7055623149861 42.4269119937756,12.7055623149861 41.4040347436697,11.430710453849 41.4040347436697,11.430710453849 42.4269119937756)) 2014-12-05T20:58:38.024Z This is a single entry feed for training purpose but it could contains many more. Let's explain it element by element. * **feed** *mandatory* : this is the main container * **feed/title** *optional* : this is the title of the feed and is there only for educational purpose but is useless for the catalog * **feed/id** *optional* : this is the identifier of the feed and is there only for educational purpose but is useless for the catalog * **feed/entry** *mandatory* : this is the container for an entry in the catalog * **feed/entry/id** *optional* : this is the identifier of the entry and is there only for educational purpose but is useless for the catalog * **feed/identifier** *mandatory* : this is the unique identifier of the entry. This is a **very important** element since it will define the unique identifier of the entry in the index. Any other element with the same identifier in the same index will be overriden. * **feed/entry/title** *mandatory* : this is the title of the entry and is usually used by other component (e.g. portal) to display the item caption (e.g. in the list of results). * **feed/entry/summary** *optional* : this is the short description (abstract) of the entry. It can be set as HTML (XML encoded) as in the example but can also be a simple text. In this latter case, the attribute ``type`` will be set to "text". Even if optional, this element is important because it is often used by the other component such as the portal to display a summary of the item. For instance, in the thematic applications of the portal, the summary is used to fill in the info bubble of the item displayed on the map. * **feed/entry/date** *optional* : this is one of the element used in the :ref:`geotimemetadatamodel`. It defines the temporal charateristic of the entry. It may define a time instant (cf. example) or a time range. The format of the date(s) must follow ISO8601. .. code-block:: xml 2016-06-25T10:06:17.4130000Z .. code-block:: xml 2016-06-25T10:06:17.4130000Z/2016-06-25T10:36:17.4130000Z * **feed/entry/spatial** *optional* : this is the other element used in the :ref:`geotimemetadatamodel`. It defines the spatial charateristic of the entry. There are several way of defining the geometry of the entry: .. code-block:: xml POLYGON((11.430710453849 42.4269119937756,12.7055623149861 42.4269119937756,12.7055623149861 41.4040347436697,11.430710453849 41.4040347436697,11.430710453849 42.4269119937756)) .. code-block:: xml 42.4269119937756 11.430710453849 42.4269119937756 12.7055623149861 41.4040347436697 12.7055623149861 41.4040347436697 11.430710453849 42.4269119937756 11.430710453849 .. code-block:: xml 42.4269119937756 11.430710453849 42.4269119937756 12.7055623149861 41.4040347436697 12.7055623149861 41.4040347436697 11.430710453849 42.4269119937756 11.430710453849 * **feed/entry/published** *optional* : this is the element defining the publication date of the entry in the index. If not specified, it will be set at the time the entry is indexed in the catalog. The format of the date must follow ISO8601. * **feed/entry/link** *optional* : several links may be associated to an entry in the catalog. They are important references for other components of the platform. The link is set in ``href`` sttribute. The resulting content of the link is defined by the ``type`` attribute and the purpose of the link is defined by the ``rel`` attribute: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Value of *rel* attribute - Purpose * - enclosure - Identifies a related resource that is potentially large and might require special handling. Usually used for the dataset download that the entry is describing. Many enclosures may be defined to specify many download point. * - alternate - Refers to a substitute for this entry. Now we have our file we can send it to the catalog for indexing. .. code-block:: console curl -u mrossi:ABcdEF -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/atom+xml" -d@myfirstfeed.atom "" .. note:: Please note the ``Content-Type`` header set to ``application/atom+xml``. This is important to indicate the catalog the :ref:`mediatype` of the feed posted. The resulting response from the catalog is a JSON document reporting the actions done in the index .. code-block:: json { "added": 1, "updated": 0, "deleted": 0, "errors": 0, "items": [ { "id": "S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20160625T170310_A005267_T32TQM_N02.04", "type": "gtfeature", "operation": "Add" } ] } You have now a new entry in your index. You can check it has been indexed correctly by making some queries This command returns the same feed you just sent (with some more information of the catalog): .. code-block:: console curl -u mrossi:ABcdEF "" This command using opensearch-client makes a temporal and spatial search and return the download link correctly .. code-block:: console opensearch-client -u mrossi:ABcdEF -p bbox=10,40,12,42 -p start=2016-06-24 -p stop=2016-06-26 "" enclosure .. note:: The above example showed the insertion of one entry at a time but remember that you can send as many entries in the same feed as you want. There is only a limit of 32Mbytes maximum by feed sent. Update entries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The update of updating entries in the index is the same as per creation. If you specify the same identifier element, the corresponding entry will be simply updated. The catalog shall return a response similar to this one: .. code-block:: json { "added": 0, "updated": 1, "deleted": 0, "errors": 0, "items": [ { "id": "S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20160625T170310_A005267_T32TQM_N02.04", "type": "gtfeature", "operation": "Update" } ] } Delete entries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deleting one or more entries is done as per searching for them. To delete a single entry by reference: .. code-block:: console curl -u mrossi:ABcdEF -X DELETE " and it returns : .. code-block:: json { "added": 0, "updated": 0, "deleted": 1, "errors": 0, "items": [ { "id": "S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20160625T170310_A005267_T32TQM_N02.04", "type": "gtfeature", "operation": "Delete" } ] } To delete many entries by query (e.g. all data of 2012): .. code-block:: console curl -u mrossi:ABcdEF -X DELETE " .. note:: Please note that the action part of the URL is ``query`` and not ``search``. This is on purpose mainly to avoid confusions of operations, such as an accidental deletion of products. The ``query`` operation can only be used for deleting, while ``search`` cannot be used for deleting. Create Series ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is also possible to create set of index entries based on common fixed parameters. In order to create one this set called :ref:`series`, we will also index to the catalog a feed with one or more entries that will define one or more series. Let's start with the file seriesitaly.atom .. code-block:: xml My second feed test series1 Data over Italy 2016-06-03T10:30:45.879747Z italy The description of the elements done in the :ref:`datacreateentries` section are still valid. Here are the specific elements of a series. * **feed/identifier** *mandatory* : this is the unique identifier of the series. This is a **very important** element since it will define the unique identifier of the series in the index and the route (URL) to access the series. Any other series with the same identifier in the same index will be overriden. * **feed/entry/link[rel='describedBy']** *mandatory* : Those links are specific to series, it defines one or more set that constitutes the series. In the example the link is .. code-block:: console 47.01,19.028 47.01,18.896 36.527,6.46 36.598,6.372 47.01)) this link is a spatial filter request. All index entries returned by this query will be part of the series. Now, let's post the series in the catalog with the following command .. code-block:: console curl -u mrossi:ABcdEF -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/atom+xml" -d@seriesitaly.atom "" and returns .. code-block:: json { "added": 1, "updated": 0, "deleted": 0, "errors": 0, "items": [ { "id": "italy", "type": "series", "operation": "Add" } ] } The series is successfully created and we can query it .. code-block:: console opensearch-client Updating and deleting series is done using the same mechanism as per entries but inserting the /series after the index name.