ciop-copy (7) ============= Synopsis -------- **ciop-copy** {url} [option...] Description ----------- ``ciop-copy`` copies to a local folder the enclosure URL (the online resource taken from a catalogue) passed as argument. The inputs may come from: * the tool opensearch-client * the use of the source type "cas:series" in the application.xml Options ------- ``url`` one or more product urls ``-h`` displays the help page ``-a`` abort on first error without attempting to process further URLs ``-q`` quiet mode, local filenames are not echoed to stdout after transfer ``-f`` force transfer of a physical copy of the file for nfs and HDFS urls. ``-d driver-file`` get additional drivers from shell file . Drivers shall contain a named driver ``-o|O `` same as -c -o . Kept for retro-compatibility. ``-c`` creates the output directory if it does not exist ``-p prefix`` prepend the given prefix to all output names ``-z`` provide output as a compressed package (.gz for files or .tgz for folders). NOTE that it will not compress already compressed files (.gz, .tgz or .zip) ``-U|--no-unzip`` disable file automatic decompression of .gz, .tgz and .zip files ``-rt seconds`` define the time (in seconds) between retries (default is 60) ``-t timeout`` defines the timer (in seconds) for the watchdog timeout applicable to gridftp, scp, ftp, http, and https schemes (default is 600 seconds) ``-R timeout`` do not retry transfer after timeout ``-D`` set debug mode for command output parsing debugging ``-s`` skip download if sink path already exists ``-x`` exclude the files matching the pattern ``-w`` do not overwrite single files iif already exist Output ------ Unless the -q option is used (quiet mode), the local path of each file or directory downloaded after each URL transfer is echoed, one per line. Unless the -U option is used, .gz or .tgz output files will be decompressed. Unless the -H option is used, the software will follow the RDF and the HTML href & refresh tags. Exit Status ----------- ``ciop-copy`` command exits * 0 all URLs were successfully downloaded * 1 an error occured during processing * 255 environment is invalid (e.g. invalid working directory) or invalid options are provided * 254 output directory does not exist or failed creating it (with -c option) If the -a option is used, the exit code is set to the error code of the last URL transfer: * 252 no driver available for URL * 251 an existing file or directory conflicts with the sink for the URL in the output directory * 250 an error occured while unpacking the output file or when packaging/compressing the output file (when -z or -Z option is used) * 128 a timeout occured while fetching an url * 127 a fatal error occured, source of error is not known or not handled by driver * 128 error codes specific to the transfer scheme * 1 resource pointed by input URL does not exist Examples -------- Input from opensearch-client: .. code-block:: bash opensearch-client "${MASTER}" enclosure | ciop-copy -f -O ${UUIDTMP}/data/master - Input from the use of the source type "cas:series" in the application.xml, e.g.: **Application.xml:** .. code-block:: xml **** .. code-block:: bash while read product do prod=$( echo $product | ciop-copy -U -o ${TMPDIR}/input - ) done Author ------ Terradue