ciop.register ============= Description ----------- Registers the metadata of a product in a catalogue (e.g. the sandbox internal catalogue). Usage ----- .. code-block:: python import cioppy ciop = cioppy.Cioppy() ciop.register (end_point, series_url, elements) Arguments --------- ``end_point`` the URL of the OpenSearch catalogue end point ``series_url`` the URL to the series template ``elements`` array of metadata fields Details ------- This function inserts a catalogue entry. Value ----- List with: * exit.code: 0 if succesful, >0 if unsuccessful Examples -------- .. code-block:: python pub = ciop.publish('/tmp/myfile.tif') metadata = [ "ical:dtstart=2001-01-10T14:00:00", "ical:dtend=2001-01-10T14:05:00", "dc:identifier=mydataset", "dct:spatial=MULTIPOLYGON(((25.55215 36.97701,24.740512 37.091395,24.496927 35.950137,25.284346 35.839142,25.55215 36.97701)))", "dclite4g:onlineResource=" + pub[0].rstrip()] ciop.register('http://localhost/catalogue/sandbox/rdf', 'file:///application/pyjob/etc/series.rdf', metadata) Author ------ Terradue