.. _browseresults: Hands-On Exercise 8: browse published results ############################################# In this exercise, we will run again the workflow of the exercise :doc:`a multi-node workflow <06_multinode>`, then we will browse its results through the Oozie Web Console that was previously introduced. Prerequisites ============= * You have cloned the Hands-On git repository (see :ref:`hands-on-repo`), * *(Only for python)* You have installed the required software (see :ref:`python-reqs`). Install the Hands-On ==================== * Install the Hands-On Exercise 8, just type: .. code-block:: console cd cd dcs-hands-on mvn clean install -D hands.on=8 -P bash Run the workflow ================ * Type the following command: .. code-block:: console ciop-run * Wait until the workflow is completed (it will take approximately five minutes). Browse the results ================== * Open a browser and type http://$HOSTNAME:50070 , .. tip:: Read how to obtain the value of your Sandbox $HOSTNAME in the :doc:`General Notes ` section * Click on the link *Browse the filesystem*, * Click on the link *ciop*, * Click on the link *run*, * Click on the link *hands-on-8*, * Click on the link representing the workflow id (e.g., *0000269-150209145053100-oozie-oozi-W*), * Click on the link *_result*, * To see intermediate results, click on *node_expression* and then click on *data*. The following images show the steps that we have just performed: .. figure:: includes/browseresults/gui1.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Browse results .. figure:: includes/browseresults/gui2.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Browse results .. figure:: includes/browseresults/gui3.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Browse results .. figure:: includes/browseresults/gui4.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Browse results .. figure:: includes/browseresults/gui5.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Browse results .. figure:: includes/browseresults/gui6.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Browse results .. figure:: includes/browseresults/gui7.png :scale: 80 % :alt: Browse results Access the results from a shell =============================== You can also access the results from a shell or from scripts. Since the results are on the HDFS file system, you have to use the ``hadoop`` command with its subcommand ``fs``. For example, to see the results from the example above, you would have to use the following command: .. code-block:: console hadoop fs -ls /ciop/run/hands-on-8/0000269-150209145053100/_results You can use other shell-like subcommands to access, manipulate and transfer files. For a full guide of HDFS commands, see the official documentation on the `Apache web site `_. Recap ===== #. We executed a multinode workflow; #. We browsed either final or intermediate results through the Oozie Web Console.