Triggers design patterns

Applications of type Triggers (see Application Types) are implemented using the following design patterns.

Queue design pattern

The design of a Queue Application implies steps for:

  • Data discovery,
  • Data selection,
  • Parameters definition,
  • Data Item(s) creation,
  • Data Item(s) submission to the Processing Queue.

An example of control flow is the following:

!define DIAG_NAME Trigger Queue example
!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2


:Discover Data;

while (Are there Data objects?) is (yes)
  if (Does Data object satisfy processing criteria?) then (yes)
    :Define processing parameters;
    :Create Data Item;
    :Add Data Item to Processing Queue;
  else (no)
endwhile (no)



It’s important to note that Queue Applications, when discovering and selecting data, deal with metadata only, leveraging an Opensearch catalog (see Catalog). Stage-in data is not usually required.

Pipe design pattern

Since Pipe Applications are not developed by the Users but provided as a service by the platform, the design pattern is provided as an additional information, that can be used to understand its behaviour.

A Pipe Application performs the following steps:

  • Data Items retrieval,
  • Data Items analysis,
  • Stand-alone Processing Application execution submission,
  • Stand-alone Processing Application execution monitor.

An example of control flow is the following:

!define DIAG_NAME Trigger Pipe example
!include includes/skins.iuml
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2


:Retrieve Data Items;

while (Are there Data Item objects to process?) is (yes)
  if (Has Data Item a status 'in'?) then (yes)
    :Monitor execution status;
    if (Succedeed?) then (yes)
      :Update Data Item status to 'out';
    else (no)
      :Update Data Item status to 'err';
  else (no)
    if (Has Data Item a status 'queue'?) then (yes)
      :Check processing capacity;
      if (Is there processing capacity?) then (yes)
        :Extract information from Data Item;
        :Submit exection of a Stand-alone Processing Application;
        :Update Data Item status to 'in';
      else (no)
    else (no)
endwhile (no)
