Manage my data


Each thematic application of the Geohazards TEP platform makes available for users the following functionalities:

  • access to his private catalog index - using the My Index context,
  • access to his private storage - using the My Repository context,
  • data packages,
  • access to a service to upload local data into his private storage - using the Store Upload button,
  • access to a service to publish data results as atom feeds to the catalogue - using the Data publication processing service

Data Upload

Allow the user to drag and drop local files and upload them to his private store repository (or to any accessible repository, using custom path eventually).

  • Click on storeupload
  • Select a Target Repository and a Target Path (you can use your private repository or a repository shared with your community, e.g gep-community)
  • Drag and drop files
  • Click on Submit Upload
  • Wait for upload to finish
  • Click on Close and update context, a search query is performed on the defined context (user’s private context)

Data Publication


This process publish data on the catalogue. It performs a query for every opensearch reference set in input and publish it in the catalogue index specified. At the end of the process, a reference to the catalogue index for viewing the results is returned.

  • Open the service Data Publication in the WPS Service tab
  • Select the context My Repository
  • Drag and drop items from the search result tab into the field Data items
  • Set the Index (you can use your private index or an index shared with your community, e.g gep-community)
  • Click on Run job
  • Click on Show results, the published items are available in the search result

Data Contextualization


This process contextualize data. It performs a geospatial analysis of the files in a specific repository for a given directory of the Data Gateway. At the end of the process, an OWS context with all the possible offerings of the analyzed files is returned.

  • Open the service Data Publication in the WPS Service tab
  • Select the Folder path (custom path under the Repository key, e.g results/test-data)
  • Set the Repository key (usually, the Terradue username)
  • Set other options if necessary
  • Click on Run job
  • Click on Show results, the contextualized items are available in the search result

For example, setting the Folder path to “results/test-data” and the Repository Key to “eboissier” will recast files you can see in the search