Workflow design


This application uses SRTM tiles.

Software and COTS

GMTSAR make_dem.csh script

To generate the DEM for GMTSAR [1] interferogram generation, the application uses the make_dem.csh script.

To generate the ROI_PAC [2] and Gamma [3] DEM, the application reuses parts of the approach found here:

Workflow design

The application’s data pipeline activities can be defined as follows:

Use the GMTSAR make_dem.csh script or Ran Novitsky Nof script to apply stich the SRTM tiles over an area spanning 1.5 degrees in all cardinal directions starting from the SAR product centroid.

!define DIAG_NAME Workflow example

!include includes/skins.iuml

skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2


while (check stdin?) is (line)
  :Stage-in data;
  :Stich SRTM tiles;
  :Stage-out DEM;
endwhile (empty)


This translates into a very simple workflow containing a single processing step: strm-dem

The simple workflow can be represented as:

!define DIAG_NAME Workflow example

!include includes/skins.iuml

skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFFF
skinparam componentStyle uml2




The node_srtmdem is described in details in /field/dem/lib_dem_insar1/src/main/doc/fieldguide/nodes/index

[1]GMTSAR - An InSAR processing system based on GMT
[2]Repeat Orbit Interferometry PACkage (ROI_PAC)
[3]GAMMA SAR and Interferometry Software