Metadata models¶
A data model defines and analyzes Entry specifications to support a metadata structure corresponding to the business domain of the dataset. this structure is used to
- represent the Entry’s metadata of a dataset in different media types.
- identify the values in the metadata according to the query parameters of an OpenSearch query and filter the dataset accordingly.
- structure the Entry properties in the representation
The Base Syndication Model : Atom¶
This is the base model for all the others. Based on Atom, it is used to describe feeds of information. This is typically used by news web sites, to publish a list a of news articles that are available for reading. Its structure is particulary well designed for catalog service.
The key issue when indexing metadata is to make sure that we don’t lose any information in the process. Apart from the entry’s content itself, we’re also interested in preserving the fundamental metadata about the entry too, namely:
- What it is called
- Who created it
- When it was created
- Where it is
Atom is specifically designed to never lose any data. To see this, let’s take a look at this example of an Atom feed:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title type="text">Query Result</title>
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" title="Reference link" href="" />
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="OpenSearch Description link" href="" />
<title type="text">S1A GRD IW_DP L1 VV, VH 15 141205T051621-141205T051633</title>
<summary type="html">
<table> <tbody> <table> <tr> <td><strong>Swath</strong></td><td>IW</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Orbit</strong></td><td>3587 ASCENDING</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Track</strong></td><td>15</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Start</strong></td><td>2014-12-05T16:16:21.5300370Z</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>End</strong></td><td>2014-12-05T16:16:33.4265590Z</td> </tr> </table> </tbody></table>
<link rel="enclosure" type="application/octet-stream" length="809403257" href="'7206812c-d9cf-485c-89b3-f03a214be924')/$value" />
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" title="Reference link" href="" />
<identifier xmlns="">S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20141205T171621_20141205T171633_003587_0043C4_3406</identifier>
<queryTime xmlns="">1</queryTime>
<totalResults xmlns="">600</totalResults>
<startIndex xmlns="">1</startIndex>
<itemsPerPage xmlns="">1</itemsPerPage>
<os:Query xmlns:os="" xmlns:param="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:time="" xmlns:eop="" os:count="1" />
An Atom feed is XML and so must follow all the usual well-formedness rules that that implies. It consists of some metadata about the feed, followed by one or more entries. This metadata chunk contains all of the data mandatory in an OpenSearch result. The id element provides the “where,” giving the feed’s URI. The title provides a “what,” giving the title of the feed. updated gives the “when,” with an obligation to say when the feed was last changed. author says “who” created the feed, and link provides the “how” giving a link to the description of the search and the self link of the resource the feed represents.
The entry section, just like the feed’s main metadata section, has the obligatory id, title, updated, and OpenSearch links. It wouldn’t be much use without the content, and it’s recommended to have the summary, as “a short summary, abstract, or excerpt of the entry”. In addition to those core features, it should also contain extended elements such as the “identifier” element with another namespace that has a meaning in the domain it was defined and moreover defines the unique identifier in the Index where the entry is catalogd.
Geo & Time model¶
The Geo & Time model is directly derived from the specification for the OpenSearch Geo and Time extensions. it is intended to provide a very simple way to structure spatial and temporal metadata to a geospatial entry that contains geographic and temporal properties.
In short, an Geo&Time entry is specified by: - a temporal reference - a geographic reference
In atom representation, here is the previous Atom entry example supplemented with the Geo & Time model information
<title type="text">S1A GRD IW_DP L1 VV, VH 15 141205T051621-141205T051633</title>
<summary type="html">
<table> <tbody> <table> <tr> <td><strong>Swath</strong></td><td>IW</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Orbit</strong></td><td>3587 ASCENDING</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Track</strong></td><td>15</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Start</strong></td><td>2014-12-05T16:16:21.5300370Z</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>End</strong></td><td>2014-12-05T16:16:33.4265590Z</td> </tr> </table> </tbody></table>
<link rel="enclosure" type="application/octet-stream" length="809403257" href="'7206812c-d9cf-485c-89b3-f03a214be924')/$value" />
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" title="Reference link" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/xml" title="EOP profile" href="" />
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="OpenSearch Description link" href="" />
<where xmlns="">
<MultiSurface xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<posList srsDimension="2" count="5">51.944363 5.898916 52.340702 9.548466 51.629356 9.728382 51.234165 6.135372 51.944363 5.898916</posList>
<date xmlns="">2014-12-05T16:16:21.5300370Z/2014-12-05T16:16:33.4265590Z</date>
<spatial xmlns="">
MULTIPOLYGON(((5.898916 51.944363,9.548466 52.340702,9.728382 51.629356,6.135372 51.234165,5.898916 51.944363)))
<identifier xmlns="">S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20141205T171621_20141205T171633_003587_0043C4_3406</identifier>
Several elements have been added representing a temporal and geographic reference in different format representations. Some elements are mandatory to fulfill the model such as “date” and the georrss “where”.
A Catalog implementing the Geo & Time data model shall be able to provide with OpenSearch GeoTemporal service. The opensearch-client is able to analyse and extract geotemporal specification of the entries of an OpenSearch results (with the limitation of the capability to read the Content Type in which the result is represented).
Full specification : [10-032r8] OGC® OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions
Earth Observation Profile Model¶
Earth Observation Dataset are generally managed within logical collections that are usually structured to contain data items derived from sensors onboard a satellite or series of satellites. The key characteristics differentiating products within the collections are date of acquisition, location as well as characteristics depending on the type of sensor, For example, key characteristics for optical imagery are the possible presence of cloud, haze, smokes or other atmospheric or on ground phenomena obscuring the image. The common metadata used to distinguish EO products types are defined and analysed for generic and thematic EO products (i.e optical, radar, atmospheric, altimetry, limb-looking and synthesis and systematic products).
The base of the EO data model is based on the Earth Observation Metadata profile of Observations & Measurements that is another OGC implementation standard. This profile is intended to provide a standard schema for encoding Earth Observation product metadata to support the description and cataloguing of products from sensors aboard EO satellites.
EO dataset metadata encoded using this profile of Observations and Measurements shall produce XML documents that are fully compliant with the normative XML Schema Documents associated with this standard. Here is an example corresponding to the previous example:
<EarthObservation xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<boundedBy xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<phenomenonTime xmlns="">
<TimePeriod xmlns="">
<observedProperty xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<metaDataProperty xmlns="">
<processingCenter>ESRIN ESRIN headquarters Italy Rome</processingCenter>
<method>GRD Post Processing</method>
<processorName>Sentinel-1 IPF</processorName>
<nativeProductFormat>Sentinel-1 IW Level-1 GRD Product</nativeProductFormat>
<processingCenter>ESRIN ESRIN headquarters Italy Rome</processingCenter>
<method>SLC Processing</method>
<processorName>Sentinel-1 IPF</processorName>
<nativeProductFormat>Level-1 Intermediate SLC Product</nativeProductFormat>
<processingCenter>Airbus DS UPA_ United Kingdom Farnborough</processingCenter>
<method>Generation of Sentinel-1 L0 SAR Product, dual polarisation</method>
<nativeProductFormat>Level-0 Product</nativeProductFormat>
<method>Generation of Sentinel-1 SAR Slice L0 product single polarisation</method>
<nativeProductFormat>Raw Data</nativeProductFormat>
<method>Raw Data Downlink Channel1 1</method>
<nativeProductFormat>Raw Data</nativeProductFormat>
<method>Generation of Sentinel-1 SAR Slice L0 product single polarisation</method>
<nativeProductFormat>Raw Data</nativeProductFormat>
<method>Raw Data Downlink Channel2 2</method>
<nativeProductFormat>Raw Data</nativeProductFormat>
<result xmlns="">
<EarthObservationResult xmlns="">
<boundedBy xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<d7p1:ServiceReference d7p1:type="simple" d7p2:href="$value" d7p2:title="simple" xmlns="" xmlns:d7p1="" xmlns:d7p2="">
<featureOfInterest xmlns="">
<Footprint xmlns="">
<boundedBy xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<MultiSurface xmlns="">
<posList count="5" srsDimension="2">51.944363 5.898916 52.340702 9.548466 51.629356 9.728382 51.234165 6.135372 51.944363 5.898916</posList>
<procedure xmlns="">
<EarthObservationEquipment xmlns="">
<boundedBy xmlns="" xsi:nil="true"/>
<description>Synthetic Aperture Radar</description>
<operationalMode codeSpace="urn:eop:SEN1:sensorMode">IW_DP</operationalMode>
<swathIdentifier codeSpace="urn:eop:SEN1:swathIdentifier">IW</swathIdentifier>
<Acquisition xmlns="">
<orbitNumber xmlns="">3587</orbitNumber>
<lastOrbitNumber xmlns="">0</lastOrbitNumber>
<wrsLongitudeGrid xmlns="">15</wrsLongitudeGrid>
<ascendingNodeDate xmlns="">0001-01-01T00:00:00</ascendingNodeDate>
<startTimeFromAscendingNode xmlns="">838524.4</startTimeFromAscendingNode>
<completionTimeFromAscendingNode xmlns="">850420.9</completionTimeFromAscendingNode>
<illuminationZenithAngle xmlns="">39.078511453185818</illuminationZenithAngle>
<illuminationElevationAngle xmlns="">34.526525608108237</illuminationElevationAngle>
<incidenceAngle xmlns="">38.682110388777183</incidenceAngle>
<pitch xmlns="">-33.272595454981371</pitch>
<roll xmlns="">-45.76005650153126</roll>
<yaw xmlns="">-96.84402418069287</yaw>
<polarisationChannels>VV, VH</polarisationChannels>
The model allows exhaustive specifications of an EarthObservation dataset.
Combined with Atom, it is possible to include the EOP metadata in the Entry either literally or by reference. the representation is further developed in the media types section.