This sections provides a detailed description on how to sign-in on GEP and access your user profile.
To sign-in on GEP, you need to have an account created on Terradue Cloud Platform.
Password must contain at least 8 characters, with at least one upper case lettre, one lower case letter, one integer and a special character (!, @, ?, ...).
Once logged in, your username will be displayed on the login menu (top right of the screen).
By clicking on your username, you will access your profile page. The other icons give the following functionalities:
Fill in your profile:
You can get a private API key associated to your account. Currently this key can be used only to get access to your data packages without being logged in on the portal: e.g:
You can submit from here a new candidate application and follow it’s status progress (saved draft, submitted for review, ...). A dedicated Application Scenario form will guide you in the process of defining your application. Once submitted, the Platform Operations team will follow-up directly on the Portal about your request, in particular, to provide you with a quotation and a guidance for sponsorship when applicable (scientific research purposes).
Linking your Github account to your profile will support you with use of GitHub as your Git repository for software development activities on Terradue Cloud Platform, such as integrating new Processing Services for GEP.
..note:: Link your GitHub account is not mandatory but highly recommended for application developers.
To link your GitHub account:
To find out which roles have been assigned to you in your communities, just go to the My granted roles tab on your profile page. The communities for which you are a member are listed here, along with your role in it.
Direct access to your Jupyter notebooks are provided from the My notebooks tab, according to your subscription plan.
To find out how you are using the platform, just go to the Usage tab on your profile page. You will see what is your level for each type of usage of the platform.
To find out more precisely the number of data packages you loaded, the number of jobs you created, how many failed or were successful, ... Just go the Analytics page from the portal homepage. You will see:
Requirement coverage
This section shows that the platform has an analytics web widget.