Deploy the application on the Production CentreΒΆ

This Jupyter Notebook creates a Web Processing Request to deploy the data transformation application on the Production Centre.

  • First do the imports of the Python libraries required
In [15]:
import sys
import os

import ellip_helpers

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

%store -r
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload
  • Instantiate the deployment
In [16]:
deploy = ellip_helpers.EllipDeploy(os.path.join('../operations', 'configuration.ipynb'),
  • Trigger the deployment
In [17]:
TerradueDeployProcess is available
ec_better_ewf_ethz_01_02_01_ewf_ethz_01_02_01_0_7 deployment is successful
  • Optionaly do a final check:
In [18]:
Process ec_better_ewf_ethz_01_02_01_ewf_ethz_01_02_01_0_7 deployed

The data transformation application is deployed!

The next step, Test will submit a processing request using the Web Processing Service just exposed.