
Data pipe line configuration

  • data_pipeline - this is the data pipeline identifier.

Continuous Integration information

  • repository - this is the Software Repository hosting the application. It can be one of:
  • Gitlab Groups if hosted on GitLab
  • Github Organizations if hosted on GitHub
  • folder - this is the data pipeline promoter
  • community - this is the Ellip Community of the data pipeline
  • jenkins_url - this is the URL fo the Build component of the Continuous Integration system

Application information

  • app_artifact_id - this is the application artifact id. It’s defined in the artifactId of the application POM file and in the worflow id attribute in the Application Descriptor file (application.xml)
  • app_version - this is the application version. It’s value can be found in the application repository tags

Trigger information

  • trigger_queue_artifact_id - this is the trigger queue artifact id. It’s defined in the artifactId of the trigger POM file and in the worflow id attribute in the Application Descriptor file (application.xml)
  • trigger_queue_version - this is the application version. It’s value can be found in the trigger repository tags.

Deployer information * apps_deployer - Deployer for the Community applications * trigger_deployer - Deployer for the Community triggers

Production Centre information

  • production_centre - this is the Production Centre associated to the used for the deployment of the coordinators
  • access_token - this is the Ellip access token if the notebooks download the results produced by the tests
In [1]:
# data pipe line configuration
data_pipeline = 'better-ethz-00002'

# continuous Integration information
repository = 'Gitlab Groups'
folder = 'eth-z'
community = 'ec-better'
jenkins_url = ''

# application information
app_artifact_id = 'ewf-ethz-01-02-01'
app_version = '0.7'

# trigger information
trigger_queue_artifact_id = 'tg-ethz-01-02-01-queue'
trigger_queue_version = '0.5'

trigger_pipe_artifact_id = 'tg-pipe'
trigger_pipe_version = '0.2'

# deployer information
apps_deployer = '' % community
trigger_deployer = '' % community

# production Centre information
production_centre = ''

access_token = 'eyJ2ZXIiOiIyIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYiLCJraWQiOiJRdldZU0xtOGxiUzBmUUdaN1hrSktROXo3a3BPM1k2UU93cE5sNmkxc25vIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJqZnJ0QDAxYzlnbW5uM3MxcDRmMHBrMHA0eDkwZXkxXC91c2Vyc1wvZ2VvaGF6YXJkcy0wMDAwMiIsInNjcCI6Im1lbWJlci1vZi1ncm91cHM6Z2VvaGF6YXJkcy0wMDAwMi5vd25lciBhcGk6KiIsImF1ZCI6ImpmcnRAMDFjOWdtbm4zczFwNGYwcGswcDR4OTBleTEiLCJpc3MiOiJqZnJ0QDAxYzlnbW5uM3MxcDRmMHBrMHA0eDkwZXkxIiwiZXhwIjoxNTMxMzE3NzA2LCJpYXQiOjE1MzEzMTQxMDYsImp0aSI6ImQyYTA3YTRhLTY0MDctNDdmNy1hMzA0LTI3MWQ0MWVhNjQzZSJ9.LaFFuBq0NvoATLOdaV6jPzB48IWWq4pkbG2cQQ6EadigEBQkBxuuLoPCndKxft9im32iYFZ4YwHw83S5oTjPPZHKwhmYUKdte5d8Of6W4nuJfKXAigO5HLy7nYuKddqopd-tNWMQPfGeqgrzhWdBwXl4dJa0eAWGcP1wMxCp6Ydn68c181rhxiJJ6pWzPqWF4aZGoZbNzGRbaZqTd0Gb6A66aUmIx6bIxYLkieNEaQJTgzipZaX4PAyh4vYbje4Mya_EfmYoTrB25kYdsJpMs3g6Nl9PM-v_h_54_ZM2phaauovzkQT8djyzgPtIbCYWPDbm9GznmMe_MKiu2S0beg'

Credentials information

  • jenkins_username - Jenkins username used to trigger the build of the application and tigger
  • jenkins_api_key - Jenkins API key of the user used to trigger the build of the application and tigger
  • ellip_api_key - The data pipeline developer API key
  • datapipeline_api_key - The data pipeline Ellip user API key
In [ ]:
import getpass

if not 'jenkins_username' in locals():
    jenkins_username = raw_input("What is your Jenkins username? ")
    %store jenkins_username

if not 'jenkins_api_key' in locals():
    jenkins_api_key = getpass.getpass('And your Jenkins API key:')
    %store jenkins_api_key

if not 'ellip_api_key' in locals():
    ellip_api_key = getpass.getpass('And your Ellip API key:')
    %store ellip_api_key

del datapipeline_api_key
if not 'datapipeline_api_key' in locals():
    datapipeline_api_key = getpass.getpass('And the %s Ellip API key:' % data_pipeline)
    %store datapipeline_api_key