SATCEN-01-02-01 Configuration

Data pipeline configuration

  • data_pipeline - this is the data pipeline identifier.

Continuous Integration information

  • repository - this is the Software Repository hosting the application. It can be one of:
  • Gitlab Groups if hosted on GitLab
  • Github Organizations if hosted on GitHub
  • folder - this is the data pipeline promoter
  • community - this is the Ellip Community of the data pipeline
  • jenkins_url - this is the URL fo the Build component of the Continuous Integration system

Application information

  • app_artifact_id - this is the application artifact id. It’s defined in the artifactId of the application POM file and in the worflow id attribute in the Application Descriptor file (application.xml)
  • app_version - this is the application version. It’s value can be found in the application repository tags

Trigger information

  • trigger_queue_artifact_id - this is the trigger queue artifact id. It’s defined in the artifactId of the trigger POM file and in the worflow id attribute in the Application Descriptor file (application.xml)
  • trigger_queue_version - this is the application version. It’s value can be found in the trigger repository tags.
  • trigger_pipe_artifact_id - this is the trigger pipe artifact id. It’s the defined in the artifactId of the trigger POM file and in the worflow id attribute in the Application Descriptor file (application.xml) of the better common trigger-pipe
  • trigger_pipe_version - this is the application version. It’s value can be found in the better common trigger repository tags.

Deployer information * apps_deployer - Deployer for the Community applications * trigger_deployer - Deployer for the Community triggers

Production Centre information

  • production_centre - this is the Production Centre associated to the used for the deployment of the coordinators
  • access_token - this is the Ellip access token if the notebooks download the results produced by the tests
In [1]:
data_pipeline = 'better-satcen-00002'

repository = 'Gitlab Groups'
folder = 'satcen'
community = 'ec-better'

jenkins_url = ''

app_artifact_id = 'ewf-satcen-01-02-01'
app_version = '0.18' # version 0.11 max-attempts = 4 & timout = 120m

apps_deployer = '' % community
trigger_deployer = '' % community

trigger_queue_artifact_id = 'tg-satcen-01-02-01-queue'
trigger_queue_version = '0.5'

trigger_pipe_artifact_id = 'tg-pipe'
trigger_pipe_version = '0.3'

production_centre = ''

access_token = 'eyJ2ZXIiOiIyIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYiLCJraWQiOiJRdldZU0xtOGxiUzBmUUdaN1hrSktROXo3a3BPM1k2UU93cE5sNmkxc25vIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJqZnJ0QDAxYzlnbW5uM3MxcDRmMHBrMHA0eDkwZXkxXC91c2Vyc1wvZ2VvaGF6YXJkcy0wMDAwMiIsInNjcCI6Im1lbWJlci1vZi1ncm91cHM6Z2VvaGF6YXJkcy0wMDAwMi5vd25lciBhcGk6KiIsImF1ZCI6ImpmcnRAMDFjOWdtbm4zczFwNGYwcGswcDR4OTBleTEiLCJpc3MiOiJqZnJ0QDAxYzlnbW5uM3MxcDRmMHBrMHA0eDkwZXkxIiwiZXhwIjoxNTMxMzE3NzA2LCJpYXQiOjE1MzEzMTQxMDYsImp0aSI6ImQyYTA3YTRhLTY0MDctNDdmNy1hMzA0LTI3MWQ0MWVhNjQzZSJ9.LaFFuBq0NvoATLOdaV6jPzB48IWWq4pkbG2cQQ6EadigEBQkBxuuLoPCndKxft9im32iYFZ4YwHw83S5oTjPPZHKwhmYUKdte5d8Of6W4nuJfKXAigO5HLy7nYuKddqopd-tNWMQPfGeqgrzhWdBwXl4dJa0eAWGcP1wMxCp6Ydn68c181rhxiJJ6pWzPqWF4aZGoZbNzGRbaZqTd0Gb6A66aUmIx6bIxYLkieNEaQJTgzipZaX4PAyh4vYbje4Mya_EfmYoTrB25kYdsJpMs3g6Nl9PM-v_h_54_ZM2phaauovzkQT8djyzgPtIbCYWPDbm9GznmMe_MKiu2S0beg'

Credentials information

  • jenkins_username - Jenkins username used to trigger the build of the application and tigger
  • jenkins_api_key - Jenkins API key of the user used to trigger the build of the application and tigger
  • ellip_api_key - The data pipeline developer API key
  • datapipeline_api_key - The data pipeline Ellip user API key
In [2]:
%store -r

import getpass

if not 'jenkins_username' in locals():
    jenkins_username = raw_input("What is your Jenkins username? ")
    %store jenkins_username

if not 'jenkins_api_key' in locals():
    jenkins_api_key = getpass.getpass('And your Jenkins API key:')
    %store jenkins_api_key

if not 'ellip_api_key' in locals():
    ellip_api_key = getpass.getpass('And your Ellip API key:')
    %store ellip_api_key

del datapipeline_api_key
if not 'datapipeline_api_key' in locals():
    datapipeline_api_key = getpass.getpass('And the %s Ellip API key:' % data_pipeline)
    %store datapipeline_api_key
Stored 'datapipeline_api_key' (str)