better-wfp-00002 data pipeline results (Sentinel-1 Coherence timeseries): loading from pickle file and exploiting

This Notebook shows how to: * reload better-wfp-00002 data pipeline results previously stored in a pickle file * Create a new dataframe with data values cropped over the area of interest * Plot an RGB * Create a geotif

Import needed modules

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
import gdal
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
%matplotlib inline
from shapely.wkt import loads
from shapely.geometry import box
from urlparse import urlparse
import requests

Read picke data file

In [2]:
pickle_filename = 'better-wfp-00002_validations.pkl'
In [3]:
results = GeoDataFrame(pd.read_pickle(pickle_filename))
In [4]:
enclosure enddate identifier self startdate title wkt
0 2017-01-17 03:50:08 585efc39a7c4b1e6df4689c41123be2f17cecd8e 2017-01-11 03:49:20 S1_COH_20170117035008_20170111034920_C2F1_116E... POLYGON((29.0590832889222 7.90674554216732
1 2017-01-17 03:50:08 9221e259f96e36c100465124b204dd332d34a64a 2017-01-11 03:49:20 Reproducibility notebook used for generating S... POLYGON((29.0590832889222 7.90674554216732
2 2017-01-17 03:50:08 94d07730ae194ef7262a807bf2bc08f293dad340 2017-01-11 03:49:20 Reproducibility stage-in notebook for Sentinel... POLYGON((29.0590832889222 7.90674554216732
3 2017-01-11 03:49:20 7c31ba69c43771b536906eb85226371195e7c1b1 2017-01-05 03:50:00 Reproducibility stage-in notebook for Sentinel... POLYGON((29.1590086933083 8.57426607119175
4 2017-01-11 03:49:20 e32e3854009a02076089eb4e2164cfc508cd1c07 2017-01-05 03:50:00 S1_COH_20170111034920_20170105035000_116E_0110... POLYGON((29.1590086933083 8.57426607119175
5 2017-01-11 03:49:20 ee7ac38b242d1eb8ec8a3eae619a1ccd62e33096 2017-01-05 03:50:00 Reproducibility notebook used for generating S... POLYGON((29.1590086933083 8.57426607119175

Credentials for ellip platform access

  • Provide here your ellip username and api key for platform access
In [5]:
import getpass

user = getpass.getpass("Enter you ellip username:")
api_key = getpass.getpass("Enter the API key:")

Define filter parameters

Time of interest

In [6]:
mydates = ['2017-01-11 03:49:20', '2017-01-05 03:50:00']

Area of interest (two approaches to determine AOI)

  • The user can choose to define an AOI selecting a Point and a buffer size used to build a squared polygon around that point
In [7]:
point_of_interest = Point(28.478, 9.083)
In [8]:
buffer_size = 0.07
In [9]:
aoi_wkt1 = box(*point_of_interest.buffer(buffer_size).bounds)
In [10]:
'POLYGON ((28.548 9.013, 28.548 9.153, 28.408 9.153, 28.408 9.013, 28.548 9.013))'
  • Or creating a Polygon from a points list (in this case this is a point inside the intersect of all results’ polygons)
In [11]:
aoi_wkt2 = Polygon([(29.0590832889222, 7.90674554216732), (29.0590832889222, 9.73355950395278), (28.0078747434455, 9.73355950395278), (28.0078747434455 ,7.90674554216732), (29.0590832889222 ,7.90674554216732)])

In [12]:
'POLYGON ((29.0590832889222 7.90674554216732, 29.0590832889222 9.73355950395278, 28.0078747434455 9.73355950395278, 28.0078747434455 7.90674554216732, 29.0590832889222 7.90674554216732))'

Create a new dataframe with data values

  • Get the subframe data values related to selected tiles and the selected band, and create a new GeoDataFrame having the original metadata stack with the specific band data extended info (data values, size, and geo projection and transformation).

Define auxiliary methods to create new dataframe

  • The first method gets download reference, band number, cropping flag, AOI cropping area and returns the related band data array with related original geospatial infos
  • If crop = False the original band extent is returned
In [13]:

def get_band_as_array(url,crop,bbox):

    output = '/vsimem/clip.tif'

    ds = gdal.Open('/vsigzip//vsicurl/%s' % url)

    if crop == True:
        ulx, uly, lrx, lry = bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2], bbox[1]
        ds = gdal.Translate(output, ds, projWin = [ulx, uly, lrx, lry], projWinSRS = 'EPSG:4326')
        print 'data cropping : DONE'

        ds = gdal.Translate(output, ds)
    ds = None
    ds = gdal.Open(output)
    w = ds.GetRasterBand(1).XSize
    h = ds.GetRasterBand(1).YSize
    geo_transform = ds.GetGeoTransform()
    projection = ds.GetProjection()

    data = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, 0, w, h).astype(np.float)

    data[data==-9999] = np.nan

    ds = None

    return data,geo_transform,projection,w,h
  • The second one selects the data to be managed (only the actual results related to the filtered metadata) and returns a new GeoDataFrame containing the requested bands extended info with the original metadata set
In [14]:
def get_GDF_with_datavalues(row, user, api_key,  crop=False, bbox=None):

    parsed_url = urlparse(row['enclosure'])

    url = '%s://%s:%s@%s/api%s' % (list(parsed_url)[0], user, api_key, list(parsed_url)[1], list(parsed_url)[2])

    data,geo_transform,projection,w,h = get_band_as_array(url,crop,bbox)

    extended_info = dict()

    extended_info['data'] = data
    extended_info['band'] = row['title']
    extended_info['geo_transform'] = geo_transform
    extended_info['projection'] = projection
    extended_info['xsize'] = w
    extended_info['ysize'] = h

    print 'Get data values for %s : DONE!' %row['title']
    return extended_info
  • Select from metadataframe a subframe containing the geotiff results of the datetimes of interest
In [15]:

mydate_results = results[(results.apply(lambda row: 'TIFF' in row['title'], axis=1)) & (results.apply(lambda row: row['startdate'] in pd.to_datetime(mydates) , axis=1))]


  • crop = True|False

if crop=False the bbox can be omitted

In [16]:
myGDF = GeoDataFrame()
for row in mydate_results.iterrows():
    myGDF = myGDF.append(get_GDF_with_datavalues(row[1], user, api_key, True, bbox=aoi_wkt1.bounds), ignore_index=True)
data cropping : DONE
Get data values for S1_COH_20170117035008_20170111034920_C2F1_116E_9C9D Coherence TIFF generated for Sentinel-1 : DONE!
data cropping : DONE
Get data values for S1_COH_20170111034920_20170105035000_116E_0110 Coherence TIFF generated for Sentinel-1 : DONE!
In [17]:
band data geo_transform projection xsize ysize
0 S1_COH_20170117035008_20170111034920_C2F1_116E... [[0.455494046211, 0.565888106823, 0.6310414671... (28.407984371, 8.9831528412e-05, 0.0, 9.153068... GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS... 1558.0 1558.0
1 S1_COH_20170111034920_20170105035000_116E_0110... [[0.669632911682, 0.680318832397, 0.7399124503... (28.4079272843, 8.9831528412e-05, 0.0, 9.15305... GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS... 1558.0 1558.0
In [18]:
[array([[ 0.45549405,  0.56588811,  0.63104147, ...,  0.59314167,
          0.58407903,  0.50405139],
        [ 0.47507212,  0.59371793,  0.63754672, ...,  0.57698232,
          0.62529832,  0.60197735],
        [ 0.50109875,  0.59523857,  0.65536064, ...,  0.58205438,
          0.6621179 ,  0.68225712],
        [ 0.19786611,  0.25714073,  0.23680025, ...,  0.51337111,
          0.4620851 ,  0.33361918],
        [ 0.28357735,  0.21079658,  0.2238009 , ...,  0.50135183,
          0.45359248,  0.32133439],
        [ 0.31719771,  0.18904187,  0.19520217, ...,  0.4901213 ,
          0.45334074,  0.35314894]]),
 array([[ 0.66963291,  0.68031883,  0.73991245, ...,  0.63932216,
          0.59661359,  0.59336722],
        [ 0.68423522,  0.70644683,  0.79085642, ...,  0.60916173,
          0.57239127,  0.66140956],
        [ 0.71526366,  0.73734766,  0.81760138, ...,  0.58674741,
          0.56392926,  0.70566386],
        [ 0.13683386,  0.18234587,  0.24345088, ...,  0.50967175,
          0.4854036 ,  0.45019463],
        [ 0.10323175,  0.19316974,  0.30856162, ...,  0.48929051,
          0.47109666,  0.42016074],
        [ 0.11589073,  0.23517208,  0.36623707, ...,  0.4753527 ,
          0.44676378,  0.37547478]])]
In [19]:
bands = []
titles = []

for i in range(len(myGDF)):

print titles

numbands = len(bands)

for i in range(numbands):
    bmin = bands[i].min()
    bmax = bands[i].max()
    if bmin != bmax:
        bands[i] = (bands[i] - bmin)/(bmax - bmin) * 255
['S1_COH_20170117035008_20170111034920_C2F1_116E_9C9D Coherence TIFF generated for Sentinel-1', 'S1_COH_20170111034920_20170105035000_116E_0110 Coherence TIFF generated for Sentinel-1']
In [20]:
array([[ 118.11617862,  146.95844237,  163.98082921, ...,  154.07888524,
         151.71111947,  130.8025825 ],
       [ 123.23127122,  154.22944204,  165.680433  , ...,  149.85698784,
         162.48033789,  156.3873502 ],
       [ 130.03115798,  154.62673261,  170.3346128 , ...,  151.18214621,
         172.10005793,  177.36175966],
       [  50.80664413,   66.29311177,   60.97882884, ...,  133.23751331,
         119.83819929,   86.2743649 ],
       [  73.2001153 ,   54.18494146,   57.58253337, ...,  130.09727963,
         117.61936297,   83.06476267],
       [  81.98398658,   48.50116524,   50.11064595, ...,  127.16311942,
         117.5535917 ,   91.37683584]])
In [27]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))

fig.suptitle('Sentinel-1 Time-series Coherence', fontsize=16)

for i in range(numbands):

    a = fig.add_subplot(1, numbands, i+1)

    imgplot = plt.imshow(bands[i].astype(np.uint8),

fig = plt.gcf()


Download functionalities

Download a product

  • Define the download function
In [22]:
def get_product(url, dest, api_key):

    request_headers = {'X-JFrog-Art-Api': api_key}

    r = requests.get(url, headers=request_headers)

    open(dest, 'wb').write(r.content)

    return r.status_code
  • Get the reference download endpoint for the product related to the first date
In [ ]:
enclosure = myGDF[(myGDF['startdate'] == mydates[0])]['enclosure'].values[0]

In [ ]:
output_name = myGDF[(myGDF['startdate'] == mydates[0])]['title'].values[0]

In [ ]:

Bulk Download

  • Define the bulk download function
In [ ]:
def get_product_bulk(row, api_key):

    return get_product(row['enclosure'],
  • Download all the products related to the chosen dates
In [ ]:
myGDF.apply(lambda row: get_product_bulk(row, api_key), axis=1)