Deploy the application on the Production CentreΒΆ

This Jupyter Notebook creates a Web Processing Request to deploy the data transformation application on the Production Centre.

  • First do the imports of the Python libraries required
In [ ]:
import os
import getpass
import lxml.etree as etree
import owslib
from owslib.wps import monitorExecution
from owslib.wps import WebProcessingService
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor, CellExecutionError
import nbformat as nbf
  • Load the data pipeline configuration
In [ ]:
%store -r

nb_config = os.path.join('../operations', 'configuration.ipynb')

nb =, 4)

exec(nb['cells'][1]['source']) in globals(), locals()

app = dict([('artifact_id', app_artifact_id),
            ('version', app_version),
            ('repository', repository),
            ('community', community)])

app_process_id = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (app['community'].replace('-', '_'), app['artifact_id'].replace('-', '_'), app['artifact_id'].replace('-', '_'), app['version'].replace('.', '_'))
  • Connect to the WPS server and do a GetCapabilities request to check if the deploy process is available:
In [ ]:
wps_url = '%s/zoo-bin/zoo_loader.cgi' % apps_deployer

wps = WebProcessingService(wps_url, verbose=False, skip_caps=True)

In [ ]:
deploy_process_available = False

for index, elem in enumerate(wps.processes):

    if 'TerradueDeployProcess' in elem.identifier:

        deploy_process_available = True

if deploy_process_available:
    print 'TerradueDeployProcess is available'
    raise Exception('TerradueDeployProcess is not available')
  • Select the TerradueDeployProcess process to submit a DescribeProcess request and list the inputs and outputs:
In [ ]:
process_id = 'TerradueDeployProcess'

process = wps.describeprocess(process_id)

for data_input in process.dataInputs:
    print data_input.identifier

In [ ]:
for process_output in process.processOutputs:
    print process_output.identifier
  • Create the OWS Context document URL:
In [ ]:
ows_context_url = '/%s/_applications/%s/%s/%s/%s-%s-application-context.xml' % (app['community'],
In [ ]:
  • Create the TerradueDeployProcess inputs
In [ ]:
inputs = [('applicationPackage', ows_context_url),
          ('apikey', ellip_api_key)]
  • Submit the TerradueDeployProcess Execute WPS request:
In [ ]:
execution = owslib.wps.WPSExecution(url=wps.url)

execution_request = execution.buildRequest(process_id,
                                           output=[('deployResult', False)])

execution_response = execution.submitRequest(etree.tostring(execution_request))

  • Monitor the TerradueDeployProcess Execute request:
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  • Check if the application was successfully deployed
In [ ]:
if execution.isSucceded():

    print 'Application %s deployment is successful' % app_process_id


    raise Exception('Application %s deployment failed' % app_process_id)
  • List the WPS process available, the newly deployed process must be amongst the exposed process
In [ ]:
wps = WebProcessingService(wps_url, verbose=False, skip_caps=True)


app_deployed = False

for index, elem in enumerate(wps.processes):
    if elem.identifier == app_process_id:
        app_deployed = True

if app_deployed:
    print 'Process %s deployed' % app_process_id
    raise Exception('Process %s not deployed' % app_process_id)

The data transformation application is deployed!

The next step, Test will submit a processing request using the Web Processing Service just exposed.