Step 2 - Initialise the software repository

In this Hands-On, the application directory will be initialised as a Git repository and linked to a remote service for hosting a copy of it. This Hands-On relies on GitLab to host the remote software repository.


  • The <app-name> value,
  • The <app-url> value. It will be a Gitlab repository URL,
  • The <cloud-username> value.
  • An account on


  • Open a Terminal window and change directory into the one you created in Step 1:
cd /workspace/${APP_NAME}
  • Setup additional variables:
export CLOUD_USERNAME=<cloud-username>
export NAME_SURNAME="<your-name-and-surname>"
export GITLAB_USERNAME="<gitlab-username>"
export GITLAB_EMAIL=<gitlab-email>
export HOME=/home/${CLOUD_USERNAME}
  • Setup your Git configuration by typing:
echo "[user]
        email = ${GITLAB_EMAIL}
        name = ${NAME_SURNAME}

[credential \"\"]
        username = ${GITLAB_EMAIL}

        default = matching
        helper = cache --timeout=3600" > ~/.gitconfig
  • Initialize the Git repository and perform the first commit on the master branch
git init
git add -A .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • Setup the right sync between the local folder and the software repository:
git remote add origin ${APP_URL}
  • Create the software repository branches and push them to GitLab:
git branch develop
git branch docker
git checkout develop
git push -u origin master develop docker

Next step

The software repository is now configured properly. The next Step is Step 3 - Stage-in the EO data where we retrieve locally a Sentinel-1 product.

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