Job Templates

Parent definition

Tag definition



Name Data type and values Mandatory
id Character String type, not empty Yes
jobType jobType data structure, Table 2 No

Table 1: Job Templates attributes.

Value Definition
mapred_action Default job Template type. This type will be used as default if no type is defined.
wps_client A job Type which is a connector for external OGC WPS servers. A set of default job configuration is needed (see Table 8).

Table 2: jobType data structure.

Streaming Executable


The local path of the executable script called by this job to process the inputs. In the case of jobType=”wps_client” it must be omitted. Supported languages:

  • Bash
  • Python
  • R

Tag definition






Default Parameters


The default parameters for the job. You can override their attributes and values by using the parameters section of the workflow.

Tag definition


Attributes (for the single parameter)

Name Data type and values Mandatory If “scope = runtime”
id Character String type, not empty Yes Yes
title Character String type, not empty No Yes
abstract Character String type, not empty No Yes
scope Scope data structure, Table 4 No
type Type data structure, Table 5 No No
target Query parameter from the description of the source catalogue (mandatory in case of type=”opensearch”) No No
minOccurs Minimum number of expected instances of the parameter (WPS). By default is 1 (meaning that it’s mandatory) No No
maxOccurs Maximum number of expected instances of the parameter (WPS). By default is 100 No No

Table 3: Default Parameters attributes.

Value Definition
runtime The element will be exposed by the OGC WPS interface
test The element will use as value the one defined in the xml

Table 4: Scope data structure.

Value Definition
LiteralData Character String type, not empty (default type if not defined)
BoundingBoxData Coordinates of the Area Of Interest according to the format urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326
opensearch Character String type, not empty. The value is used to query the source catalogue according to the target value.

Table 5: Type data structure.

Possible values (for the single parameter)

In the case of type=”LiteralData” (default “type” if not defined), the parameter element can be defined with:

  • no values. e.g.:

    <parameter id="myparam"/>
  • a string value. e.g.:

    <parameter id="myparam">My param value</parameter>
  • a list of <options>. e.g.:

    <parameter id="myparam">

    optionally it is possible to add a default value to the option list (to be picked from the list of the options):

    <parameter id="myparam">

Default Job Configuration

Tag definition


Attributes (for the single property)

Name Data type and values Mandatory
id Character String type, not empty Yes

Table 6: Default property attributes.

Possible IDs and values (for the single property)

id Data type and values Definition
mapred.task.timeout nonNegativeInteger type The number of milliseconds before a task will be terminated if it neither reads an input, writes an output, nor updates its status string.
ciop.job.max.tasks nonNegativeInteger type The number of parallel jobs to be ran, instantiating the job template. This number should fit with the number of available nodes on the cluster.

Table 7: Possible configuration properties.

In case of jobType=”wps_client” a list of configuration properties has to be defined:

id Data type and values Definition
ogc.wps.access.point Character String type, not empty The end point of the remote WPS server. e.g.: http://remoteWPS:8080/wps/WebProcessingService
ogc.wps.process.identifier Character String type, not empty The name of the process of the remote OGC WPS server. e.g.: com.terradue.wps_oozie.process.OozieAbstractAlgorithm
ogc.wps.storeExecuteResponse true/false True if the call to OGC WPS has to be asynchronous.
ogc.wps.status true/false True if the call to OGC WPS has to be asynchronous.
ciop.job.max.tasks nonNegativeInteger type The number of parallel jobs to be ran, instantiating the job template. This number should fit with the number of available nodes on the cluster.

Table 8: Mandatory configuration properties in case of jobType = “wps_client”.