Step 2 - Set the software repository

BETTER data pipelines rely on GitLab to host the software repositories

The generic URL is, then a sub-group per promoter, e.g. wfp and finally the data pipeline identifier:

Gitlab software repository for BETTER data transformation application

Gitlab software repository for BETTER data transformation application

Example of a software repository URL:

cd /workspace/wfp-01-01-01-n
Note: ‘n’ is the letter assigned for the training
  • Initialize the git repository and do the first commit on the master branch
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • Setup the right sync between the local folder and the software repository
git remote add origin
Note: ‘n’ is the letter assigned for the training
Note: In subsequent activities, update the software repository URL to the project you’re working on
  • Create the software repository branches and push them to GitLab:
git branch develop
git branch docker
git checkout develop
git push -u origin master develop docker
Gitlab push to master branch

Gitlab push to master branch

The software repository is now configured properly. The next step is to stage-in a Sentinel-1 product.